Read the first word, then scroll down..... OPPORTUNITYISNOWHERE (SCROLL DOWN) : : : : --------------------------- READY? : : : Did you read it as "Opportunity is no where" or : "Opportunity is now here"? : : This widely circulated little test tells us a great : deal about how we look at the things-and about the : human nature. : : Ever envied those rare, ever-smiling soul, who are model of enthusiasm and cheerfulness? As many of us pass by : grouching on the way for our first cup of morning coffee, : don't we sometimes wonder if they're even normal? : : Actually, in large measure they have simply succeeded in : developing a better attitude. For them, everything is an : Opportunity. For them, a mistake is not something to dwell : on-it's some thing to learn from; A setback is not a : devastating loss-it's the first step in the next stage. : : : Choice is your's-To be positive or negative. : : : : LIFEISNOWHERE